transfer your Social Rights in greece

Our office specializes in assisting foreigners seeking to transfer their social rights to Greece. We provide expert guidance to facilitate living, working, and pension acquisition in Greece, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition.

eU, EEA & Swiss Citizens

Individuals who hold citizenship within the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, or any third country possessing bilateral agreements and elect to establish permanent residency within Greece shall be accorded the right to transfer their healthcare coverage benefits, in addition to the aforementioned preferential tax rates. As such, these individuals shall receive full entitlement to social rights commensurate with those available within their country of origin.

Differences between the European Health insurance card and the permanent transfer of healthcare in greece

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), now replaced by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), is a temporary measure that provides basic healthcare coverage for citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), and Switzerland. The EHIC card allows temporary visitors to access healthcare services in other EU/EEA countries or Switzerland on the same terms as the local population, but does not provide long-term coverage or facilitate the transfer of social rights.

On the other hand, the permanent transfer of social rights can be achieved through the S1 application form. The S1 form is a mechanism for individuals who are entitled to state-funded healthcare in their home country, and who move to another EU/EEA country or Switzerland, to transfer their social rights and continue receiving healthcare coverage in their new country of residence. This process applies to individuals who retire or have a permanent disability, as well as to those who work in one EU/EEA country and live in another.

The S1 application form provides a more comprehensive and permanent solution compared to the EHIC card, as it allows individuals to maintain their healthcare coverage beyond the scope of a temporary visit. The transfer of social rights with the S1 form also covers a broader range of healthcare services and facilitates the continuity of care for patients with chronic or long-term health conditions.

consecutive pension Rights in more than one eU countries

The process of acquiring a pension when having worked in more than one consecutive workplace across different countries in the European Union (EU) can be complex and requires careful attention to detail. The European Union has established regulations to ensure that individuals who have worked in multiple EU countries receive a pension that reflects the length and type of employment carried out in each country.

The process begins with an individual’s application for a pension in the country where they currently reside. The relevant authorities will then communicate with other countries where the individual has worked, requesting information on the periods and types of employment carried out. The receiving country will then calculate the amount of pension owed based on the contributions made by the individual during their employment in each respective country.

It is important to note that pension entitlements can differ depending on the country of employment, with some countries offering more generous pension benefits than others. Additionally, the process of acquiring a pension can take a considerable amount of time, and it is essential to keep detailed records of all employment and pension contributions made over the years.

Overall, the process of acquiring a pension when having worked in multiple EU countries requires careful planning and coordination. Our office specializes in providing expert guidance to individuals seeking to obtain a pension in Greece or transfer their social rights to Greece, offering a comprehensive and personalized approach to ensure the best possible outcome.

third country residents

There are multiple bilateral agreements between Greece and third countries outside the EU concerning the transfer of healthcare and successive pension rights.

The list of countries with which Greece has active bilateral agreements regarding the recognition of healthcare rights is indicative. For further information, it is best to contact our office.

Third Countries With Bilateral Agreements regarding Social Rights Recognition
AUSTRALIA (only for elderly pension)
EGYPT (partial agreement)
LIBYA (partial agreement)

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